Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Full Game Walkthrough For PlayStation 3

Basic Controls:

Square/X button = basic attack (tap the square button repeatedly to perform a combo; hold down on the button to perform a power attack)

Triangle/Y button = push/kick

X/A button = jump

O/B button = roll

L1 = power of memory

L2 = power of flow

R1 = power of time

R2 = wall run

^ = stone armor

v = whirlwind

< = ice blast

> = trail of flame

Ed. note: this guide is missing some of the game's collectible sarcophagi. Check out our complete sarcophagus guide to make sure you get them all!

The Ramparts:

  1. After a breathtaking introduction, head down the torn-up bridge and into the castle, where you must defeat the two enemies that you will encounter.
  2. Make your way up to the next level. Carefully perform a wall run (R2) over the large gap in the bridge. Defeat the enemies who will be waiting for you on the other side
  3. Tip: pushing/kicking enemies while near the edge will result in quick kills.
  4. Perform two more wall runs before jumping up to a ledge and slowly make your way around the castle using the left analog stick and the circle button to drop between ledges. (Watch out for arrows of fire!)
  5. You will eventually run into a larger group of enemies and the circle button will quickly become your friend. Use it to dodge enemies and create space before engaging in a combo attack.
  6. Walk through the gate of the nearby tower and break the surrounding jars. These will provide you with some Red Spheres.
  7. Walk straight to the back and perform a wall run up on the ledge to your left. Wall run again up to the next ledge and make your way around. Perform two wall jumps (x) before making two wall runs across the other side of the tower.
  8. Once outside, another gap forces you to use another wall run (sound familiar?) across to another tower where there will be more pottery for you to break to earn more Red Spheres
  9. Make your way inside and perform two wall runs across the tower before making a third onto a red banner. Repeat this same process to get you down to the next level.
  10. This time, perform a wall run/jump combo to get across to the next ledge. A third red banner will be waiting for you, so just jump out and The Prince will use his sword to guide his way down.
  11. At the bottom of the tower, step on the center button to open the door across the way. A small handful of enemies will be waiting for you, so you will have to kill them first. After you have done so, go back to the button to reopen the door, and perform a roll to make your way under the closing door as quickly as possible.
  12. Perform a rather long wall run to a ledge and jump across to the other side. Although there will be a set of stairs waiting for you just under the broken ledge, don’t use them! Instead, do another long wall run to a higher ledge. Jump across to the other side and then do another wall run.
  13. This next part involves a little more skill. Perform another wall run, but make sure to walk over the button in the left wall to release the door on the other side. After walking across it, quickly jump over to the right and roll under the closing door. Wall climb up two more sets of ledges.
The Fortress:

-As you try to make your way to catch up with Prince Malik, walk across the narrow wood plank toward the red banner and jump toward it to slide down. Kill the two enemies and remember to look around and break any pots and barrels for Red Spheres.
-Wall run up two ledges and make your way across a few sets of wooden planks before jumping down another red banner. Kill the enemies at the bottom waiting for you. Wall run up a patch of bricks embedded in the wall and use the left analog stick to guide your way up. Wall run across several patches of bricks before coming to the last set; then use the circle button to drop down.
-Perform a roll through a tiny hole in the wall in front of you and kill the four enemies on the other side. Make your way up a wooden ramp and do two wall runs up two sets of ledges before performing a wall run/jump to a wood beam on the right side.
-Follow the bricks that will guide you and up and around to the next level of the tower where you will hit a checkpoint.
-Out to your right, perform a wall run/jump over to a wood beam. Jump your way across several more beams before jumping to a ledge on your right. Follow the bricks, which will eventually lead you to a tower, where you finally meet up with Prince Malik.
-After nearly getting shot by one of his guards, follow Malik’s instructions to open the large drawbridge by performing two wall runs up the sides of the tower, where you will step on two buttons. Make sure to move quickly, as there is a timer on both of these. For the third, run back through the tower and jump across to the third button on the other side to successfully open up the bridge.
-After helping Malik escape, jump back across to the original tower, turn right to a wooden plank and jump across to the ledge. Head right and wall run across to a set of bricks.
-Drop down and wall run across the last door on your left and walk inside. Perform a wall run to your right and immediately jump across to grab onto a set of bricks. Perform another wall run/jump combo and get ready to defeat two more guards. These guards will have shields, so make sure to use the triangle button to kick them away before trying to attack them.
-Do a wall run up the center wall and step on the button to unlock the door to your right. Quickly roll under the closing door and prepare for a large group of attacking guards.
-Once you’ve defeated the guards, walk down the center aisle, turn right and do a wall run to step on another door releasing button. This time you have to hurry! Run back down the center aisle, turn left, another left, followed by a quick roll to just make it under the closing door.
-Wall run across the right wall to some bricks and then another wall run to the other side. Head left down the hallway and jump on one of the white columns to climb up it. Turn yourself around to face the other column and jump across to it, before finally climbing up that column and jumping across to the ledge on your left to reach another checkpoint.

The Palace Courtyard:

-As Prince Malik once again escapes, leaving you behind to fend for yourself, turn right and jump out to the white column. Don’t slide down, simply rotate yourself around and press X to jump to the other broken column across from you.
-Jump across to the ledge and jump on the column in front of you. Climb up it and jump out to yet another column, before jumping from there to the ledge out in front of you.
-Kill the guards to your left and remember to use the edge of the rail to throw enemies down to the floor.
-Continue down the hallway before turning left and perform a wall run/jump combo out to the second pillar on your left (not the first broken one).
-Rotate around and jump across to the next pillar. Perform this action three more times before coming to the final column against the wall and jump out to your right down the red banner.
-Before you kill the four guards waiting on the other side of the rectangular lily pond, check both sides of the palace for pots for you to break (to obtain health if needed). After you kill the first four guards, a larger group will run down the palace steps.
-The Prince needs another way through the main door, so after you walk up the main steps, turn left and do two wall runs up the patch of bricks.
-Jump out to your right to the first column and then again to your right to the next column.
-Climb up this one as high as you can before rotating your body and jumping across to the broken column out in front of you. Jump across to another one out in front of you before jumping to another one on your left.
-Jump across to the ledge out in front of you.
-Walk to your right and jump out to the pole. Swing yourself around by holding up on the left analog sick before jumping toward the next ledge in front of you. Again, walk right and jump to another pole on your right where you will jump from this one to another.
-Jump from here to another ledge. Walk around to your right again (dizzy yet?), but this time get close to the wall and perform a wall run all the way across to the next pole.
-Swing yourself around and jump out to the ledge out in front of you. Jump toward the red banner and slide down.

The Treasure Vaults:

-Head down the hallway and jump off the wood plank toward the wall. Immediately perform a wall run once you hit the wall to pull yourself up.
-Walk off the ledge and walk to the iron gate in front of you. Turn left toward the wall and do a wall run up it before jumping out to your left and catching on to the pole. Swing around and jump to the next pole and then jump again to the ledge.
-Walk across and jump to the pole. Swing around and jump to the wall in front of you where you will perform a wall run as soon as you hit the wall.
-Climb up the wall. Follow the on-screen instructions and jump from wall to wall until you reach the ledge on the right side and climb up it.
-Perform a wall run on the left wall toward the red banner. Slide down and walk around to your right. Press X to hop over the ledge, then X again to jump across to another red banner.
-Walk down the hallway and perform a wall run on the left wall. Immediately after, jump from wall to wall before climbing up the ledge on the right side.
-Kill the invaders located in the treasure room.
-Wall run up the gated storage area holding the golden jars. Jump out to the pillar before jumping across to the pillar on the left. Jump out to the pole in front of you, swing and jump across the next pillar in front of you. Jump to the pillar on your right and then again to the ledge.
-Walk to your right and jump out to the pole. Here, you will have to swing and jump back and froth between several different poles as you make your way up the next level. Simply turn the left analog stick to make sure you a facing the right way before jumping to the next pole.
-After you have reached the ledge, turn to your left and jump out to the fancy looking pole out in front of you. Swing across and run through the door on the other side.
-After Prince Malik foolishly unlocks the Forgotten Sands, you are forced to make a mad dash out of the palace.
-Follow the the path down the hallway, but be careful as the foundation breaks from under you at unexpected moments. When this happens, perform a wall run to get across to the other side.
-Once you’ve reached the room with the liquid glowing door, walk through it. You will be brought into the alternate world that you saw at the beginning of the game. Run down the pathway and up the steps toward the fountain where you will meet Queen Razia.
-After obtaining your instructions from Queen Razia, run back down the the steps, across the pathway, and back through the liquid door.
-Go through the open door on your left, but don’t panic when you see the Prince begin to fall to his death. Simply press R1 to use the powers given to you by Queen Razia to rewind time.
-Now that you have a second chance, slowly enter the open door and watch the as the foundation in front of you collapses. Perform a wall run on the left wall to get to the other side.
-Turn right and head down the hallway but be extremely careful! Move slowly and wait to feel the rumble from your controller to indicate that the part of the hallway that you are on is about to collapse. When you feel this, jump back and grab on to the newly formed ledge.
-Perform a wall run on the left wall, but again, don’t move too fast because there will be another break in the foundation before you get to the end of the hall. Once it falls, do another wall run on the left wall.
-Turn left and look out for two more breaks in the hallway. Use wall runs to get around them, but if you happen to fall into one of them, remember you can still rewind time.
-At the end of the hallway, do a wall run/jump combo to your left and head into the stables.

The Stables:

-Once you enter the stables, get ready for an all out blood bath with barrage of sand monsters. Make sure to use the circle button to give yourself space to fight and to avoid getting caught in the middle. After you defeat all them you will be asked to hit select and choose an upgrade for either health or energy.
-At the other end of the stable, make a left over the burning pieces of wood and then another left through the opening.
-Wall run up the wooden wall and climb down using the circle button. Tip: There will be a wooden barrel to your left; break it and receive a Blue Sphere to restore your energy meter if it is low.
-Continue up next wooden wall with a wall run and jump and swing across the two poles.
-Once on the ledge, walk to your left and do a wall run up the wall to catch the exposed wooden beam in the wall. Climb over to the end and do a wall run and then immediately jump out to your left and catch the column.
-Rotate around and jump out to the column in front of you. Perform this same action three times, making your way across the room.
-At the final column, rotate around and jump out to the exposed wooden beam in the wall.
-Move across and perform another wall run/jump combo out to the column on your right this time.
-Rotate around and jump from column to column just as you did in the previous sequence. Again, once you reach the final column, rotate and jump to the wooden beam. Move across and perform a wall run to end up on the ledge.
-Go up the stairs and jump out and grab onto the fancy hanging lever on your left. This will open the gated door back on the other side of the room.
-Swing from the fancy gold lever and jump out to a regular pole out in front of you. (This pole blends in with the roof, making it hard to see, but it’s there.)
-Swing and jump from pole to pole until you reach the now open gated door.
-Walk through and perform a roll through the partially open door on your right.
-You’ll notice a swinging beam full of deadly spikes. Wait patiently for the beam to swing towards you and at the moment when it reaches its highest point, rapidly tap the circle button to perform three quick rolls in a row.
-Walk down the hallway and to your right there will be another one waiting for you. Make sure you time them right or you’ll get a back full of spikes! And don’t try to jump!
-Walk down the steps into a wide open room where a bunch of sand monsters will be looking to fight you. Remember to break the jars and barrels that will be located on both sides of the room for additional health and energy.
-Walk across the room and before you enter the the square indentation in front of you, you will notice a pole above your head on the right side of the room. Perform a wall run on the right wall and jump back towards the pole. This will trigger an unlocking mechanism in a series of poles on the other side of the room.
-Let go of the pole and perform the same action on the left side of the room. Once you are hanging on to this pole, swing towards the left wall and jump out to the exposed wooden beam.
-Move over to the right and turn the corner in the wall. Perform a wall run up the wall before jumping back the other way to another pole.
-Swing from pole to pole before jumping out to another beam in the wall. Move across the beam to your left and do a wall run, followed by another wall run to a set of bricks.
-Climb up and do one wall run up to another set of bricks before jumping back out toward a wooden plank.
-Jump out to the next wooden plank. Walk to your right and jump out to a pole, swing and jump to another wooden beam.
-Walk to the right side of the beam and jump to the pole. Swing from this pole and jump across to another beam, followed by another.
-Move to the right side of this beam and jump out to the red banner before sliding down.
-Walk through the entryway and watch as sand monsters get cut to shreds by swinging bladed pendulums. In order to get past these yourself, you need to time it just right. As soon as you step on the button in front of you to unlock the door on the other side, use a quick roll to get by the first group, then sidestep a couple, then do two more quick rolls just before the door closes.
-Grab the lever (R2) in the center of the room and rotate it clockwise all the way around (3 turns). Turn around and walk back towards the left side of the room. Do a wall run up the wall and jump back towards the pole. Swing and jump towards the wooden panel. As soon as you hit it, do a wall run to get on top of the wooden plank.
-Jump toward the golden lever on your left and swing and jump towards the red banner.
-Go back to the lever and turn it back two turns. Head in the direction of the room that the lever is facing (toward the big wooden door) and go to the right side of the room. Face towards the cloth material and do a wall run up it, immediately followed by a series of jumps to get you on top of the wooden plank.
-Jump out towards the other golden lever and swing and jump to the red banner. These hanging gold levers will trigger two rectangular structures to rise up out of the ground on both sides of the wooden door.
-After this, you will have to kill a large group of sand monsters that break through the wood door. When you are finished with them, hit select and give yourself another upgrade.
-Break the wooden barrels inside the tiny room that held the sand monsters. Step back out and perform a series of wall to wall jumps between the two newly erected structures.
-Walk thorough the entryway. In order to get to the hidden sarcophagus, do a wall run up the wooden door on your right, followed by an immediate jump back towards the wooden beam.
-Jump back towards the patch of bricks located just above the door. Do a wall run up the ledge and use a power attack on the sarcophagus by holding down the square button (wait until the sword flashes gold) and then letting go.
-Hit the circle button to drop down from the ledge, then hit it again to drop from the bricks.
-Walk through the entryway directly across the the way and cross the wooden beam.
-Turn right and carefully navigate your way through the two bladed pendulums. Jump from beam to beam through the other set of bladed pendulums. For the last two, time your jump from the wooden plank at the exact moment that they cross to safely land on the other side.
-Go left and head up the stairs.
-After your discussion with Malik, jump down the red banner. Walk left and do a wall run against the door, immediately followed by a jump back across to the pole. This will erect a column over the gap.
-Jump to the column, rotate and jump to the other side.
-Do a wall run up the wooden door on your right, followed by a jump onto the pole. This will erect another column; jump to it.
-Rotate to your right so that your back is facing the button against the wall. This next part is kind of tricky. Jump out to press the button on the wall and quickly do a wall rebound by jumping back to the column as soon as you hit it.
-Now, make sure to hold the left analog stick down in the direction of the next column before you jump to it. Depending on the camera view, this may differ. Hold the left analog stick down in the same direction as you jump to the other ledge and quickly roll through the door. (Tip: If you simply try to rotate around the columns and then jump, you will not have enough time and the door will close before you get to it.)

The Works:

-Enter the palace defense system area. Time a wall run across the left wall when the sliding rectangle slides back against the wall.
-Wait for a rising and falling door on the side of the left wall to fall before doing a wall run across it, followed by a jump out to your right.
-Jump straight out and grab onto the ledge next to the huge winding gear. Time a wall run across to your right when the gear moves to give you space to make it to the other side.
-More rising and falling structures in the wall. Wait until they fall and become flush with the wall before doing a wall run to the other side.
-Perform a wall run up the bricks, followed by another wall run up to the ledge.
-Move right and do a wall run past the two huge winding gears to the ledge on the other side.
-Move all the way around to your right and wait for the big rectangle to sit flush with the wall before performing a wall run and grabbing the tiny ledge that is part of the rectangle.
-Wait for the rectangle to move all the way out before making a jump towards the broken column.
-Rotate and jump to the other column before jumping to another ledge built into the sliding rectangle across the way.
-Wait until the rectangle rises to its highest point and perform a wall run across to the nearby pole.
-Swing and jump to the next pole, but wait for a space in another huge winding gear before jumping to the next pole. Jump to the next pole before sliding down the red banner. Walk through the entryway and turn left.
-Jump across the wooden plank to the lever in the middle structure. Rotate it one turn to the left and jump across the other wooden plank.
-Turn left and perform a wall run across the right wall but beware of the sliding blade in the wall. Wait until the blade is at its highest point and then cross to the other side.
-Another left turn and another wall run, but this time wait for the sliding beam of blades to reach its lowest point before crossing.
-Wall run up the huge metal structure in front of you and grab onto the ledge. Wait for the rotating structure above you to turn to a flat spot and do a wall run up it to the next ledge.
-Jump across to the other ledge across the way. Move around to your right and wait for the sliding blade to reach its highest point before doing a wall run across to the other ledge.
-Pull yourself up and perform a wall run up the wooden door before jumping back out to the golden lever.
-Drop down and jump across to the center structure holding the lever. Rotate it around two turns to your left and jump across.
-Carefully time a wall run past the two sliding blades to get to the other side.
-Same thing again, only this time watch out for two wooden beams with spikes before doing your wall run to the other side.
-Just like before: wall run up to the ledge, another wall run up to the next ledge, move to your left and wall run under two sliding blades to the next ledge, pull yourself up.
-Wall run against the door and jump back out to the golden lever.
-Drop down and jump back to the center structure. Crank the lever one turn to the right so that you are facing the button in the structure across from you.
-Jump toward the button, perform a wall run up the structure to touch it, and then jump off back to the center structure.
-Quickly rotate the lever 180 degrees back toward the closing door and jump across before it closes.
-Turn left and rotate the lever one turn to the right. Jump out to the newly lowered beam. Pull yourself up and jump up to the pole. Swing and jump to the next beam before jumping to the other side.
-Turn left and jump to the golden lever. Swing from it and jump across to the other side.
-Turn left again and jump from beam to pole to beam, just as you did on the other side.
-From there, jump out toward the wall and immediately perform a wall run up it as soon as you hit it.
-Pull yourself up and rotate the lever one turn to the left. Jump across the two poles on your left and slide down the red banner.
-Turn the lever once, again to the left (this should bring together the two huge columns in the center of the room).
-Jump across to your right and perform a wall run up to the ledge. Turn right and jump across to the pole. Swing from this out to the beam.
-Once you have pulled yourself up, jump to the newly formed column out to the right.
-Jump from this to the other beam on your right before jumping to the pole out in front of you. Jump across to the sand monsters waiting for you on the other side. After you defeat all of them, hit select to apply an upgrade.
-Head right down the hallway and jump over the sliding beam of spears. Turn left and perform a wall run under another sliding beam of spears.
-Head down the hallway and quickly jump, roll and jump again over three different sets of spear-laden beams.
-For the final sliding beam of spears, wait until it is at its highest point before performing a wall run, followed by a jump across to your right.

The Fortress Courtyard:

-After getting a glimpse of Ratash, a whole slew of sand monsters appear out from under the ground. Remember to hold the square button for a power attack and to roll whenever you get surrounded.
-Run toward the door blocked by the guards, who are now pillars of sand. Perform a wall run up the wall on your right and jump back across to the nearby pole.
-Swing from pole to pole before finally reaching the ledge. Move across to your right and time a wall run as soon as the sliding blades move down.
-Immediately following this, jump out to the wooden pole on your right. Jump across the two other wooden poles before finally jumping out to a patch of bricks.
-Perform a wall run between the the two intersecting blades as soon as they cross. Immediately after, jump out to your left and grab onto the pole. Swing to the next pole and jump to the ledge.
-Turn left and time another wall run as soon as there is space between the blades. From here, jump out to the left to the column. Jump from column to column before landing on the ledge on the other side.
-After you kill the sand monsters that will be waiting for you, give yourself another upgrade.
-Roll under the beam of blades. Carefully perform a wall run past another set of blades. Do a third wall run past a final set of blades — this one will need to be timed precisely as you will need to jump from the wall out to the wood plank on your right.
-Jump from the plank, to the pole, to another plank, and down the red banner.
-Move to middle and down to your left to jump across the gap and use a power attack to break the sarcophagus.
-Jump back across, turn left, and do a long wall run to the ledge on the other side.
-Perform a carefully timed wall run past the set of sliding blades and step on the button. As soon as you have touched it, jump out to your left to the pole and swing across to the other side.
-Make your way under the closing door and turn left. Perform a wall run over the gap and head up the stairs. Be careful! As soon as you get to the top, the foundation will break as a result of that crazy centaur-like monster ramming his horns into the side of the building. Slowly step off the stairs and as soon as you feel your controller rumble, jump back. If you should fall, remember that you have the ability to reverse time by pressing R1.
-Perform another wall run past this newly formed gap. As you turn right, move slow as there will be another break in the foundation. As soon as you perform a wall run past this gap, quickly do another one before another gap is formed.
-Enter through the open doorway and kill the sand monsters that will be waiting for you.
-In the center of this room, face the wall that is opposite the outside view of the palace. Perform a wall run up this wall and jump back across to catch the hanging golden lever. This will open the gated door on your right.
-Move slowly through the doorway and get ready to jump back as soon as you feel your controller rumble. Perform a wall run over the newly formed gap.
-Head left down the stairs to get to a checkpoint.
-Wait for the sliding set of blades to ascend and then do a wall run across the left wall, followed by a jump out to the ledge on your right.
-Again, be careful as you do a wall run past another set of blades on the right wall, making sure to hit the button that will open the gated door located down to your left.
-You now find yourself face to face with that grunting brute who has been causing you all of this trouble. Naturally, he doesn’t want to fight alone and summons plenty of sand monsters to come to his aid. These guys can be annoying, but don’t let them distract you from killing this centaurish beast.
-He wastes no time coming after you; as soon as you see him rear his head and raise up one of his arms in preparation for slamming it into the ground, get ready to roll, before he charges at you with those deadly horns. But don’t be intimidated; those horns do a lot of damage, but his charge is easy to avoid if you give yourself enough space between you and him.
-Tip: As you’re fighting off sand monsters, the key is to get alongside a wall. Just before the brute charges you, tap the circle button to perform a roll. When he hits the wall he will be dazed long enough for you to get some good sword hacks in on his back. Repeat this maneuver two more times and he’ll be slayed in no time. Remember that holding the square button will perform a power attack, thus doing more damage to the beast.
-If you haven’t done so already, by now you should have another upgrade to equip yourself with. (Adding a health increase is important, but adding new powers is way more fun!)
-Located to the right of the door with the three sand statues is a button; do a wall run up the wall to touch it. This will trigger the wall that it is built in to move forward. Once it moves as far forward as it can, perform another wall run before quickly jumping across to the other wall and doing a wall run up this wall to get to the top.
-Perform a wall run on the right side of the wall before jumping out to the wood column on your left.
-Rotate and jump to the next column before jumping to the wood plank. Jump from here towards the ledge in front of you, remembering to do a wall run as soon as you hit it to pull yourself up.
-Perform a wall run against the wall and then jump out to the golden lever on your right. Swing and jump across several poles before landing on the other side.
-Go through the entryway and wait for swinging beam of spikes to swing all the way back, giving you just enough clearance to roll under it.
-Turn right and perform this same action with the next two swinging beams of spikes. Don’t try to roll through both in one motion; simply get through the first and wait for the next one to swing back before rolling under that one.
-Slowly walk out to wooden plank and as soon as this swinging beam swings back, jump out and grab the pole and quickly jump to the other side.
-Turn left and walk out across the wood beam as the swinging beam swings back. You won’t have enough time to make it all the way across without getting it, so about halfway, tap the circle button to drop down and hang on the edge. Simply move over to the right and as soon as the beam swings back the other way, hop up and finishing crossing the beam.
-Walk thorough the entryway to get a checkpoint and some extra life if needed by breaking some jars and barrels.
-Quickly tap the circle button to perform to quick rolls across the metal grate located just outside the outdoor entry. Move fast or you’ll get nailed by spikes! Perform this same action across the other two sets of metal grates.
-Once you’ve safely made it across, kill the sand monsters waiting for you in the room.
-Moving along, roll your way across two more metal grates. Make sure you time your rolls, as there are sliding columns full of spikes waiting for you at the end of these grates.
-Walk through the entryway and step on the button to your right. The Prince will inform you that the device is stuck. Turn the lever one turn to the left, then step on the button again.
-A wooden crate will rise up in front of you; jump onto it before the timer runs out.
-Jump out to the wall directly in front of you and perform a wall run up it in order to grab onto the ledge just above you. Do another wall run up this in order to get on top.
-Step on the button. The Prince will inform you again that these gears are broken as well.
-For this puzzle, you need to get the two tiny gears touching in the bottom right corner, with the two beams above them arranged in the shape of an L.”
-In order to make this happen, you need to adjust the levers in a specific order. To start with, the lever on the left should be facing east (to the right) and the lever on the right should be facing south (pointed toward you).
-Turn the left lever south, then the right lever west, then the left lever north, and finally the right lever south again. Step on the button and the gears should be in perfect working order.
-Right after this, jump across to the patch of bricks on your right. Perform a wall run across to another patch of bricks before doing a wall run up to the ledge above you. Two more wall runs across before finally jumping out to your left on the wooden crate.
-Jump out to the wall across from you and wall run up it to get on top.

The Fortress Gates:

-After meeting up once again with Malik, an even more difficult puzzle awaits you.
-Turn left to where the two levers sit side-by-side. When you are facing the gears, all three levers should be pointed west.
-Grab the one that is closest to the bridge and turn it south.
-Grab the lever to the right of that and turn it north (facing the gears).
-Walk across to the lone lever across the way and turn it so it faces east.
-Walk back to the lever closest to the bridge and turn it so it faces west.
-Move over to the lever to the right of this so it faces east.
-Walk back across to the lone lever and turn so it faces west
-Walk back to the far right lever and turn it from east to west
-Move to the lever closest to the bridge and turn it from west to east.
-Very Important: Go back to the lone lever across the way and turn it east, but make sure that the gear that it is moving is on the left side and touching the other gear (the side closest to you now).
-Go back across to the lever closest to the bridge and turn it north.
-Finally, go back to the lone lever and turn it to face south.
-After talking again with the now-deranged Malik, turn right and jump out onto the wood platform.
-From there jump out onto a patch of bricks in front of you. Climb up and do a wall run to press the button above you.
-Next, jump out to the right and grab the pole before swinging to another wood platform.
-After you talk to Malik and the gate is accidentally opened, fight off the sand monsters.
-Enter the newly opened gate and make your way past the metal grate and sliding beam of spikes.
-Carefully make your way through the rest of the hallway, timing your rolls perfectly to avoid getting hit my spikes of any kind.
-You’ll eventually arrive at another room with one of those liquid doors. Enter it to meet Queen Razia once again.
-Tip: Before you head back down the stairs to the liquid door, to the right and left of the fountain area are jars for you to break to earn Red Spheres and increase your health.
-With your new power, use L2 to control the water. Make sure you hold it down and as you do, jump across the steams of water, using them like you would poles to swing across to the other side.
-Around the corner, solidify the water again and jump from liquid column to column holding L2 the whole time and pressing up on the left analog stick for quick jumps.
-Step on the button ahead and press L2 to solidify the water and make your way across.
-Jump and swing from the golden lever. Solidify the water and quickly jump to the first column and make your way down this hallway.
-Walk into the room and freeze the column of water. Crawl up it and jump to the opening on the other side.
-Jump across one more frozen water column and make your way down the hallway and into the prisons.

The Prisons:

-Walk to the end of the walkway and do a wall run against the wall to the exposed beam in the wall across the way.
-Climb around and drop down the red banner
-Give yourself an upgrade after you kill the sand monsters.
-Jump up and climb the column facing the large gated door. Jump across to an exposed beam in the wall. Wall run to your right and jump from there to a pole.
-Activate two streams of water, and solidify these with L2 to jump and swing across.
-Jump across the the two wooden columns to the plank on the other side.
-Solidify the water and swing across to the wooden beam in the wall. Wall run across and solidify two more streams of water as you swing across. Perform a wall run when you hit the wall to pull yourself up onto the ledge.
-Turn right down the pathway and wall run up to an exposed hole in the wooden doors. Climb around to your right and wall-climb up the bricks.
-Jump out to the pole and swing to the exposed beam on the other side.
-Climb around this entire structure before performing a wall run to another wooden beam. From there, do another wall run and jump out to the column on your right.
-Turn and solidify the water columns to jump across. Don’t slide down once you get to the solid column, there will be spikes just below you.
-Turn and jump onto one of those giant bird cages. Rotate around and jump to the next one.
-Turn right and solidify the water column to jump across. Rotate around and jump to another bird cage.
-Solidify two more water columns and jump from these to another bird cage. Rotate around and jump to the exposed beam in the wall, but don’t hold on too long or it will break and fall.
-Wall run across to another beam before jumping out to your right and landing on another big bird cage. Rotate around and jump to another before solidifying two water columns to get across.
-Jump out to the wooden beam in the wall in front of you.
-Tap the circle button to drop down two red banners
-Kill the sand monsters waiting for you at the bottom.
-On the right side of the wall with the banner that you just slid down is a button, wall run up it and jump across to the newly formed ledge.
-Quickly jump from the ledge to the gold lever and swing across the solidified water to a wood beam. Jump out to the solidified water column and then onto the gold lever on the center contraption.
-Kill the small group of sand monster waiting for you after you drop down.
-Wall run up the wall on your left, hit L2 and immediately jump back to a now solidified water pole.
-Turn back around to face the wall. Even though it looks like an impossible distance, swing and jump to the wall and perform a wall run up to the wooden beam.
-Wall run across to the other wooden beam, followed by a wall run/jump combo out to the frozen water pole. (Remember to hold L2 the whole time or else you’ll fall!)
-Jump from the wooden plank to the frozen water column before jumping out to the other golden lever on the center contraption.
-Turn around and do a wall run up the wall on the right side of the gated door.
-This next part is tricky: Quickly jump back to a frozen water pole. Turn back around so that you are facing the wall. Swing and jump back to the wall, wall run up it and jump back to the higher frozen pole. (It’s important to let go of L2 in between water poles or your magic will run out.)
-Swing across the solidified water poles before you get to the last one facing the opposite wall.
-Perform the same tricky maneuver where you swing and jump to the wall, wall run up it and jump back to the higher frozen water pole. Imitate this same move again to get onto the wooden plank just above you.
-Step on the button to open the door down the hallway. Time your rolls to get by the shooting arrows.
-Wait for the water to pour a thick stream before solidifying it, then use it to get across.
-Again, wait for the next two water columns to get big, freeze them and jump across to the ledge on your right to get a checkpoint.
-Time a wall run to get by the sliding blades.

The Sewer:

-Kill the sand monsters at the bottom of the sewer.
-Stand in between the walls of water and solidify them. Perform a wall run up one of them, jump across the other and perform another wall run to get up on top.
-Get over to the left side of the bridge and wall run up to the exposed beam over the wooden door.
-Wall run to your right and then wall run up to the beam above you.
-Move left, solidify the water fall and use it for support as you wall run to get across to the other beam.
-Move around and perform this same action again.
-Jump out to your left and grab on to the frozen pole.
-Swing from this to the wooden plank and head down the hallway.
-Solidify the water column in front of you, climb to the top and jump across to the wooden beam on the other side.
-Jump across to the first solidified water column and climb all the way up. You won’t be able to see it from where you are, but jump back and you will catch a higher wooden beam. Turn and jump over to the hidden sarcophagus.
-Jump across to more solidified water columns to get to the next part of the sewer.
-Here, you will find a gnarly looking dude who can create sand monsters at will with magic lightning bolts. He’s easy to kill, but the longer you wait the more sand monsters you will have to deal with. If you’ve equipped yourself with Whirlwind (the down arrow) now would be a good time to use it.
-Move to the indentation in the wall just below the lever. Wall run up one side, jump across to the other, wall run up this side to get to the top.
-Turn the lever two turns so that the water spouts on the side of the left wall are turned on.
-Solidify them and swing across the first two. Then, swing to the wall, wall climb up it and jump back to the lever. Swing back across to the lever that controls the water.
-Now turn the lever once so that the water columns in front of you ware turned on.
-Jump across to the beam directly on the other side.
-Climb the bricks on the left wall. Do a wall run and then jump over to the bricks on the other side.
-Wall run up and jump back across. Another wall run to more bricks followed by another jump to the other side.
-Wall run around the door entryway and follow the bricks back down and to your right.
-Wall run to get to the next part of the sewer and fight more sand monsters.
-To your right, wall climb up the ledge. Perform another wall run up the door and jump back to the golden lever to release two streams of water.
-Go back to where you entered, wall climb up this gate, turn around and jump across the solidified columns to get to the lever on the other side.
-Turn the lever once to change the positions of the water columns.
-Get down and go left to where you pulled the hanging gold lever. Turn and jump across the solidified water columns.
-Make your way across the beams.
-Before turning right, walk to the next beam straight in front of you. Turn left, hit L2 to solidify the first water pole. Jump to it and right as you let go to jump, release L2 and then quickly hit it again, right as the next stream comes on. Swing across to get another sarcophagus.
-Head back and turn left into the room with the huge wooden gear. Jump across and wall climb up to the ledge.
-Use L2 to to solidify water falls and make your way across the room with several wall runs.
-Finally, solidify the final waterfall and perform a wall rebound between this and the adjacent wall.

The Baths:

-Step on the button in front of you to release a waterfall in the center structure. Hold L2 to solidify it. Run to it and do a wall run up it, followed by a jump back towards the hanging golden lever.
-This will open a door across the way and release a gang of sand monsters. Remember to kill the ones with the lighting bolts coming out of their hands first because they can continue to create more and more. The best method is to use your whirlwind power (down button) to mow them down and then stab them for an easy kill.
-Enter the newly opened room. Perform a wall run up the door to your left before jumping back out onto the hanging golden lever.
-Perform this same action on the opposite side.
-Stand in between the two waterfalls. Hit L2 to solidify them before performing series of wall runs and jumps between both sides to get to the top.
-Walk across the balcony, wall run across to a beam and then head down the stairs.
-Make your way across the solidified water poles.
-Turn right, hit L2 and perform a long wall run across the solidified waterfall to grab onto the solidified water pole. Swing across to the other side.
-After Malik accuses you of treason, swing across the solidified water poles and do a wall run up the wall at the end.
-Perform a wall run against the left wall, followed by a jump out to the hanging golden lever.
-Swing from this across to the solidified water column and make your way across.
-Jump to the hanging golden lever and then jump across to the platform.
-Turn right and do a wall run, followed by a series of jumps between solidified water columns and regular columns.
-Once in the next room, jump out to the pole. Solidify the waterfall before you jump out to it. Perform a wall run up it and jump back to the higher pole. Turn back around and jump through the waterfall to the ledge on the other side.
-Carefully make your way down the palace hallway as you avoid all of the sliding beams of spears.
-Once in the blue room, do a wall run towards the red banner. Right as you are about to cut through the banner, jump out to your left and grab onto the pole. Swing across to the red banner on the other side.

The Royal Chambers:

-Walk up the stairs and press the button. Swing from the solidified water poles and do a wall run up the water fall.
-Step on that button and jump across two more water poles.
-Jump out to the ledge and then wall run up to the beam. Move across and jump out to your right and grab the pole.
-Swing and jump through the waterfall, before quickly tapping L2 to solidify the water pole in front of it. Swing to the wooden plank.
-Jump across to the pole and swing over to the other side of the Royal Chambers.
-After nearly getting blown away with a fireball from Ratash, do a wall run against the right wall to a solidified water pole. Swing across to the wooden beam.
-Jump out to the solidified water column and slide down before you jump across to the next level of the Chambers.
-Do a wall run over the next gap and jump out to the column on your right. Jump to the next column before turning left and quickly making your way across solidified water columns and water poles.
-Enter the room and perform a wall run through the opening on your left. Immediately after, jump out to the broken column on your left.
-Jump across to the wooden plank, wall climb up to the ledge, make your way around, jump across to the other beam, move around and drop to the wooden plank.
-Jump across to the other broken column before jumping across to the red banner and killing the sand monsters at the bottom.
-After the fighting, go to the suspicious water stream on one side of the room. As you climb up it, wall rebound off of the two buttons on either side of it. Do this quickly and a door will open directly in front of you containing a sarcophagus full of health and an upgrade.
-Head to the other end of the room and turn left. Make your way across the water poles where Ratash will be waiting for you on the other side.
-Do a wall run across the right wall, followed by a quick jump out to the the solidified water pole on your left.
-Swing across to the other side. Make your way across several water columns before coming to another balcony.
-Wall run against the left wall to the wooden plank and then jump out to the wall in front of you; right before you fall, do a wall run to get up the ledge.
-Carefully hit and release L2 as you go from water pole to water pole in between each waterfall.
-Once inside the next room, kill all of the sand monsters who will be waiting for you.
-Following this, stand in between the two waterfalls and hit L2 to solidify them. Wall run up the right side and quickly jump back towards the water pole. Swing and jump towards the left waterfall, perform a wall run up it, jump back to the higher water pole, swing and jump back toward the right waterfall and perform a wall run to get up it.
-Turn left and walk all the way around. When you get to the end, turn right and do a wall run up the wall and jump back to the poles hanging just over head.
-After you’ve made your way across, head left again, turn right and perform another wall run followed by a jump back to the other pole just overhead. Swing from this to the hanging golden lever and then on through the newly opened door.
-Just like before, after Ratash blows away more of the palace foundation, perform a wall run and make your way across the solidified water poles and columns.
-Once on the ledge, solidify the waterfall behind you and wall rebound between this and the real wall to get to the next level up.
-Jump from the wooden plank to the water column, turn left to jump to the next column, and then slide down the red banner.
-Head through the entryway and up the stairs.
-Make your way through the treacherous hallway where there will be sand monsters waiting for you in the next room.
-After this turn right and head up the stairs. Walk to the edge of where the huge wooden gear is turning. Turn right and carefully perform a wall run up to the tiny ledge in the wall. Wall run up the bricks, jump across to the pole and swing up across to the tiny room holding another sarcophagus.
-After you slide down the red banner, jump back onto that tiny ledge. Solidify the water and stop the big in order to do a wall run across to the other side. Wall run up to the next ledge to pull yourself up.

The Observatory:

-Turn right and jump across to the water pole. Jump from here across to the ledge.
-Move around and make your way to the other ledge. Wall run up the wooden door and jump back to the golden hanging lever.
-Move across the water poles to another lever. Turn it two times so that a platform opens up on the center contraption, allowing you to jump to it.
-Swing back across the water poles and jump right onto this platform.
-Jump out to the water column, turn left and jump across the water poles to reach the exposed beam in the wall.
-Wall run across the waterfall to another water beam and then jump to another water pole before jumping to the ledge.
-Climb up the bricks.
-Go right as you make your way across the platforms. Perform a wall run against the door and jump back out to the hanging gold lever.
-Wall run across the left wall to the lever. Turn it twice.
-Wall run back across to where the door is and then wall run again to the other lever. Turn it once and wall run back to the area with the door.
-Jump across the two newly formed platforms on the center contraption. Turn the lever there twice to move the platforms around to the other side.
-Cross over and grab onto the wood beam. Wall run across to the water pole and swing over to the ledge as you make your way up to the next balcony.
-Wall run up the door and jump out to another hanging golden lever that will release two levers in front of you.
-Turn the lever on the right first (so that it is pointing south).
-Turn the other lever next (so that it is pointing west, making another path with the platforms).
-Wait for the yellow platform to sit flat and land right in front of you. As soon as you jump to it, hit L2 to freeze the machine. Jump from the platform to the water column to the center platform.
-Release L2 and allow the contraption to move. The center platform will move close to the yellow platform, when it does, jump over.
-Allow the yellow platform to move until it gets level with the center platform again, then jump back on to the center one.
-Allow this one to move until it is level with the red platform and then jump onto the red one.
-Wait for the red one to match up with the yellow platform and allow this one to take you close to the rail of the balcony before jumping for the rail.
-Move to the right of the balcony and make your way down the red banner.
-Move across the wall and wall run to the ledge before pulling yourself up through the entryway.
-Walk down the walkway and do a wall run against the right wall before jumping out to the solidified water column. In order to jump between the next two water columns, release L2 as soon as you jump, in order to give yourself enough water to grab onto.
-Slide down the two red banners to reach a boss fight.
-For this boss all you need to know is power attacks. Regular swings with your sword won’t inflict any damage on this beast. Wait for him to charge at you before performing a roll to get out of the way. Once he is dazed after hitting a wall, sneak up behind him, hold down the square button and give him two good power attacks. Repeat this and he’ll be dust in no time.
-Tip: When this boss tries to charge you he will kill everything in his path. Have him do all of the hard work and kill the smaller sand monsters for you.
-After you’ve defeated him, give yourself an upgrade and break any loose jars you see for some extra health.
-Wall climb up the newly formed entry way.
-Carefully make your way across all of the ledges down the hallway. There are only spikes below so don’t let go.

The Throne Room:

-Before you enter the huge doors on your right, crawl up the bricks to your left, on the right side of the door. Perform a wall run across the wall to your left and jump back across two water poles. Land on the ledge and break open a sarcophagus.
-Wall run and slide down the red banner.
-Head through the huge doors on the opposite side of the room where Malik is currently battling Ratash.
-Walk to the left and swing across the water poles. This next part is tricky: while holding the second water pole, move over to the left, all the way against the wall. Swing around and jump out toward the waterfall. Right when you land against the structure, pull yourself up with a wall run. If you don’t land just right, you’ll hit the water and the force will pull you down.
-Jump across to the other beam and travel down the red banner to the ledge below.
-Make your across to the beam before jumping out and across the wood columns. Jump from here toward the bricks on the right. Wall climb up these to join Malik in action.

Boss Scene with Ratash:

-Only power attacks will work on Ratash. His huge fire-laden sword is intimidating, but he’s actually kind of clumsy with it. Stay close to his feet and as soon as he goes for a swing run between his legs. Immediately after, launch a couple of good power attacks to the back of his legs. Watch out, though: he’ll eventually catch on and give you a power stomp with one of his legs if you’re not careful.
-After you get his health down to 50 percent, follow the on-screen instructions and walk to his back, press the X button to climb him, then hit the square button to unleash a lethal blow.
-After Ratash loses his sword, he leaves for higher ground. Follow the bricks up to the first balcony. Quickly make your way over to the next set of brick and beware of Ratash’s fireballs.
-Once you reach Ratash and he flees again, approach the edge of the ledge and time a jump for the water column. As soon as you jump to the water column on your left, release L2 and then quickly hold it again right as you make contact with the water column.
-Jump from this to the pole overhead. Swing and jump to another water column, rotate, jump and release L2 before quickly holding it again for the next water column. Jump out towards Ratash.
-Ratash will call upon a large army of sand monsters, but like every other boss, it’s easier to have him do all of the work. Lure the sand monsters into fighting you and when you see Ratash rear back for a fireball, roll out of the way and let it hit the sand monsters.
-Once they have been destroyed, set up shop again under Ratash’s legs, deploying power attacks when you get the chance.
-Once he falls to his knees, climb his back and deliver one final blow.
-Follow Malik down the hallway after he storms off.
-Once you make it through the treacherous hallway, enter the liquid door in the room.
-After your talk with Queen Razia, head back through the liquid door.
-Turn left through the entryway and try out your new teleport power by pressing X and then the circle button. Kill the sand monsters and finish making you way through the hallway.

The Terrace:

-Once you’ve entered the terrace, perform your new flight attack power by jumping over the gap and pressing the circle button. (Note: this only works when there is a enemy within reasonable striking distance.) Kill all remaining sand monsters.
-Turn left and perform a wall run against the right wall. Don’t worry, as soon as you step over the button a ledge will slide out for you to land on.
-Use a flight attack ( X button plus the O button) from the ledge and kill the sand monsters on the other side.
-Wall run up the button and jump back to the pole. Quickly turn back to face the button, swing and jump, wall run up the wall and jump back to the bricks on the other side.
-Jump from the bricks to the beam opposite them. Wall run to the next beam and jump across to the right, to another beam on the far side.
-Crawl around and make your way across the broken columns.
-Swing across the poles and perform a flight attack on the sand monsters on the balcony.
-Wall run against the left wall and stop on the button. Continue the wall run and grab the pole. Swing to the next pole and use a flight attack across to kill more sand monsters.
-Just like before, wall run up the button and quickly jump back to the pole. Quickly turn around back toward the button, swing across, perform a wall run and jump back to the wooden plank.
-Jump from the plank to pole and flight attack across.
-Hold up on the left analog stick as you turn the lever to bring yourself down to the next level.
-Flight attack across the gap and kill the two sand monsters.
-Move to the right of the door and perform a wall run up to the beam.
-Do a wall run over the button and quickly do another wall run over to the moving ledge. Perform this same action with the next button.
-For the next ledge, tap the circle button to drop down shelf below, so that you can wall run across the lower button.
-Wall run up this ledge to the ledge above it, then wall run across the top button before jumping out to the broken column. Quickly jump to the other column and then back towards the ledge before the timer runs out.
-Wall run across the button and grab the next ledge.
-Wall run across another button and grab another ledge. From there, jump out to the column on your right.
-Climb up and jump to the column on your left. Rotate around so that your back is facing the button. Quickly perform a wall rebound off the button and back to the column. Climb down and jump back to the other column before jumping back to the newly raised ledge.
-Quickly move to the right and wall run up to the bricks.
-Climb up over the ledge and get ready for a battle with two crazy-looking golden bulls.
-After you defeat them, along with the other sand monsters, flight attack across the newly opened door and kill the next batch of sand monsters on the other side.
-To your right, jump to the pole and then swing to the beam. Wall run up to the button, drop down to the lowest beam and quickly move around to the right. Quickly wall run up the sliding ledge.
-Drop down to the beam. Drop down to another beam and move around to your right. Perform a series of jumps and wall runs to move up between the two walls.
-After you hit the button, jump across to the beam on the other side and move across to your right.
-Drop down to the sliding ledge. After it slides over, wall climb up it and jump across to touch the button on the other side. Immediately after you touch it, wall climb up and jump back to another sliding ledge.
-Jump back across to a beam and move around left so that you are under the button.
-Wall climb up it and quickly swing across the series of poles before performing a flight attack to the nearby balcony.
-Kill the sand monsters and give yourself an upgrade.
-Walk through the entryway and slide down the red banner, but make sure to jump out to the pole before you reach the end of it.
-Swing to the red banner on the other side and repeat this same maneuver.
-Swing across to one more red banner. Slide down from this one to the one under it, but before you reach the bottom, jump out to the left and teleport to the other side to kill the sand monsters.
-To your right are three elaborately painted ledges. Climb up them to get another sarcophagus.
-Once you get back down, enter through the main doorway and get through another booby-trapped hallway.
-In the next room, wall run over a solidified waterfall to a solidified water pole. Swing from this one to the next one before doing a flight attack across and killing that annoying skeleton genie who’s been trying to hit you with fireballs the whole time.
-Step on the center button to trigger two waterfalls. Use L2 to solidify them and make your way up them.
-Wall run against the solidified waterfall on your right until you reach the water pole. Swing from it to the wall in front of you, wall climb up, the jump back to the water pipe farther above and swing from this to get to the top of the room.
-Head left down the stairs. Swing across a solidified water pole and slide down the slope. Make sure to jump at the end of the slide to avoid hitting the spikes.
-Turn right to head outside.
-Slide down the concrete slope and flight attack across to kill the sand monster.
-Jump to the ledge out to your right.
-Wall run up the wall and jump back towards the hanging golden lever.

The Rooftop Gardens:

-Swing between water poles and rooftops, until you are close enough to use a flight attack to kill the sand monster on the other side of the span
-Wall run along the waterfall to your left as far as you can go, before jumping out and preforming a wall attack to kill another sand monster.
-Wall attack again to kill one more sand monster.
-Wall run up the wall to your right and jump back to grab onto the hanging golden lever.
-Drop down and wall run across the waterfall and make your way across the solidified water poles.
-Climb up the water column and jump to the nearby ledge.
-Wall run along the waterfall and swing across the water poles to the other side.
-Break the sarcophagus behind the bushes.
-Turn left outside and slide down the concrete slope, before doing a flight attack across to kill the sand monster.
-Wall run up the wall and jump back to the hanging golden lever.
-Swing across to the rooftop. Wall run up and flight attack to the left side.
-Wall run along the waterfall and swing to two different water poles before performing a flight attack again to kill another sand monster.
-Repeat the last sequence, then turn to your right and flight attack across.
-Wall run up the wall and jump back to the solidified water pole. Swing and flight attack to the other side.
-Jump to the water pole, swing towards the wall and perform a wall climb before jumping back to the higher water pole. Turn back towards the wall and jump to the ledge.
-Wall run along the waterfall, swing across the water poles and flight attack to the other side.
-Turn right and slide down the concrete slope. Make sure to jump over the gap, then jump for the red banner.
-Head down the next slope and before you get to the edge, get close to the left wall, hit L2 and do a wall run along the waterfall. Wall rebound between both waterfalls before doing a wall climb up to the ledge on the left side.
-Make your way through the pendulum blades in the hallway.
-Kill the sand monsters who appear outside and give yourself an upgrade.
-Follow the pathway until it ends. Wall run along the right side of the wall and jump out over the gap to your left.
-Flight attack across to the other side and kill more monsters.
-Follow the path around and flight attack across another gap to do the same.
-Move around to the water column and solidify it before climbing to he very top. Jump out to your left and make your way across before doing a flight attack to the far balcony from the last water column.
-Make your way around to the left, wall run up the wall and swing across the water poles before doing another flight attack to the other side.
-Slowly walk through the waterfall, solidify it, wall run up it and rebound jump back to the masonry wall and then back again to the ledge above the waterfall.
-Turn right, wall run along the waterfall before jumping out to the water column on your right. Jump to the next water column before jumping out and performing a flight attack on the sand monster across the way.
-There will be a ton of sand monsters waiting for you here. Remember to kill the ones that proliferate first (the ones with the spiked shoulder pads and heads of fire).
-Following this, flight attack across the gap.
-Hold L2 to solidify the water and quickly wall run up the waterfall and make your way across the water poles to the nearest ledge.
-Move around to your right and jump to the nearby pole to swing across to the balcony.

The Aqueducts:

-Enter through the opening and time your slide down the concrete slope. Before you get to the end, jump out to a solidified water column.
-Jump across two more water columns in a row before turning right and jumping to another water column.
-From there, flight attack across to the nearby balcony.
-Turn left, jump out to the solidified water pole, swing to the wall and wall run up it, jump back and quickly swing your way along the water poles until you jump out to the ledge in the nearby wall.
-Perform a wall run over the solidified waterfall across to the ledge on the other side.
-Time a wall run up to the next ledge just as the spinning blade is moving back to the left. Follow it closely until you get under the bricks and wall run up to grab on.
-Wall run across the waterfall again toward a water pole and swing across to the bridge.
-Follow the bridge around to the water column. Solidify it and climb up it until a point at which you can flight attack across to kill the sand monster on the other side.
-Hug the wall as you slide down the concrete slope and make sure you time your dismount jump perfectly in order to catch the water column. As soon as you get close and you see the water, hit L2 to solidify it. Wall run along the wall and jump out to it.
-Make your way along a bunch of water columns before quickly climbing up he final one and jumping to the bridge.
-Flight attack to the other side and make a right through the entryway. If you haven’t done so already, give yourself an upgrade.
-Make your way through the treacherous hallway.
-Once through, follow the on-screen instructions explaining how to use the birds as temporary handholds. Simply jump towards them and press circle in mid-air. Then press X again to jump off of them.
-Follow the birds to the red banner and then slide down.
-Turn left and follow the birds again. (Make sure not to hold on for too long or you’ll fall.)
-After watching Malik turn into a hybrid of Ratash, get ready for some button mashing against a ton of sand monsters.
-After you take care of them, follow the path of the birds to get up to the ledge.
-Wall run up to the higher ledge.
-Time a wall run across to one of the edges of the water buckets after you have solidified the water with L2. Once you are hanging on, release L2 to allow the bucket to come up. Once it gets to a higher position, hit L2 again to hold it there and jump across to one of those giant bird cages.
-Wait for the one next to you to lower and jump across to it. Rotate around and jump to a bucket on the other side by holding L2 to keep it in place. Once you let go, let the bucket take you up and jump across to your right to grab onto the bricks.
-Make your way down and jump to a solidified water pole. Swing and flight attack to the other side and kill the sand monsters.
-Next, follow the path of the birds, do a flight attack to each one. The tricky part is that after the first two, you will jump out to a wall. As soon as you hit it, do a wall run up it and flight attack back to the next bird up.
-From there, continue to flight attack to each one before performing another flight attack to a sand monster on the balcony.
-Turn left and make it through yet another dangerous hallway.
-Once through, wall run along the right wall and jump over to the solidified waterfall.
-Perform a series of wall run/jump combos between the two walls to get to the top.
-Flight attack to the two birds to get on top of Solomon’s Tomb.

Solomon’s Tomb:

-Here you encounter Malik with all of his crazy new power. You want to fight him essentially the same way as Ratash: power attacks to the back of the legs. After a couple of hits, Malik gets ticked off.
-Tip: When you see Malik levitate off the ground and start speaking gibberish, you know he’s about to unleash a lethal attack. When he does this, quickly roll behind one of the stone walls to protects yourself.
-After you get Malik’s health to about half-way, he knocks you off of Solomon’s Tomb and you have to get back to him.
-Flight attack across to the bird and jump to the nearby balcony. Kill the sand monsters and continue to follow the path of the birds who will take you back to Malik.
-When you get Malik’s health to the last bar, he levitates and destroys the temple.
-Walk across the walkway and turn left.
-Wall run across the waterfall on your left to get you over to the concrete slope.
-Slide down but before you reach the bottom, do another wall run along the waterfall on your left side and then jump out to your right on the ledge.
-From there, make your way up between the deadly walls. Make sure to time your jumps and wall runs to avoid getting hit by blades.
-Once up top, carefully time a sequence of rolls through the narrow, spike-filled hallway.
-Wall run against the right wall and jump down the slope on your left.
-Repeat the last step once you get close to the end of the slope.
-Down the next slope, move to your left side and solidify the waterfall and wall run to the other side.
-Once you enter the room, an innocent, but scary looking beetle will fly at you. Kill it — as soon as you do, a whole swarm will come up out of the center of the ground. Depending on how you have used your upgrades, the ice blast works great against these guys.
-Speaking of upgrades, after you kill all of the beetles, you get another one.
-Walk over to the lever and turn it until the hand on the structure is facing you. This will trigger a set of stairs to rise up from the ground.
-Walk up the stairs and go to the lever. Before you begin to turn it, hold down L2 to solidify the water. Continue to turn the lever until the two hands are aligned. Then, release L2 and turn the lever until the statue is aligned and facing out towards you.
-After you have activated the water columns, make your way across them, carefully timing your jumps and remembering to let of go of L2 in between jumps to increase your time of water control.
-Go to the lever, hold L2, and turn the lever in both directions until you get the stature lined up. (All of the arms should be aligned and facing you.)
-After you have unlocked the spiral stairway, walk over to the red banner and slide down.
-As you make your way down the stairway, in will unexpectedly collapse and turn into a slope. Stay close to the wall and get ready to perform a series of wall runs and jumps over gaps and to red banners.
-You know you are near the end when the speed picks up and there is dust everywhere. Get ready to jump from the falling stairway to the ledge as soon as it’s within jumping distance.
-Make your way through one of the toughest hallways yet. The best way to get past those swinging beams of spears is to jump over them and then quickly roll over the metal grates.
-Once you are through to the next room, enter the liquid door on your left.
-After your conversation with Queen Razia, head back down the stairs and back through the liquid door.
-Head through the door on your left and use your new power by tapping L1 to reconstruct an old piece of your environment. Use this new power to get through the hallway.
-Once you reach the end, defeat the sand monsters who will be waiting for you.

The Ruins of Rekem:

-After Queen Razia tells you to meet her in the temple, Tap L1 to reconstruct the gold outlined structure. Wall run up it, jump across to the other wall, wall run up and jump back to the ledge.
-Turn right and wall run across to slide down the red banner.
-After Queen Razia gives you Ratash’s backstory, a huge sand monster boss appears looks to pick a fight with you.
-Just like with Ratash and Malik, stay close to this boss’ feet and use power attacks on the backs of his legs. Once his life is half gone he should fall to his knees; get behind him, hit X to jump on his back and finally hit the square button to finish him.
-After you kill the rest of the smaller sand monsters, there are a ton of pots to break if you need some extra health and energy.
-Hit L1 and go to the newly formed structure. Do a wall run up the same side as the red banner and jump back to swing across the poles.
-Once you get to the wooden plank just before the gold outline of the old structure, jump and press L1 in mid-air to reconstruct the next area.
-Turn right, and after you jump, tap L1 to reconstruct the pole. Swing to the wood plank and repeat this step to get across to the ledge.
-Hit L1 and wall run over the new wall before jumping out to a broken column.
-Make your way across the broken columns and remember to hit L1 to reconstruct the old ones before jumping to them.
-Jump to the bricks and do a wall run to your left to land on the ledge.
-Hit L1 and wall run up the wall before jumping across and doing a wall run up the other side to the ledge.
-Hit L1 before doing a wall run across the newly formed structure. Before you fall, jump out to the broken column on your left.
-Jump and swing across the poles to the next broken pillar, using L1 when necessary.
-Slide down and jump to the wooden plank. Face left and jump across. Go through the entryway and get to the other side to nab a sarcophagus.
-Once you make your way back to the wooden plank, jump across the hallway and slide down the banner.
-Hop over the edge of the railing toward the waterfall. Down inside the waterfall is a sarcophagus.
-To get back up, hit L1 and hold L2 to solidify the waterfall, then jump and wall run up the waterfall and jump and wall run up the other side.
-Hit L1 to reconstruct the big structure next to the door. Stand between this and the structure next to it and wall rebound between the two to get up on top of the structure.
-Wall run across the button, slide down the red banner, and walk through the closing door.
-Make your way through the sliding blades of this dangerous hallway.
-Once you’ve reached a dead end, climb up the bricks and wall run up to pull yourself up.

Rekem’s Throne Room:

-After talking with Queen Razia, destroy those annoying beetles and the other sand monsters and give yourself an upgrade when you’re done.
-Up the stairs and to the left of the throne are some bricks; climb up them.
-Wall run against the wall to grab onto the closest pole. Swing across from pole to pole until you land on the wooden beam
-Jump towards the wall, wall climb up and jump back to the reconstructed pole. Turn and swing back towards the ledge in the wall.
-Wall run across to the other ledge and wall run again to the reconstructed platform.
-Wall run up the two ledges, move all the way over, wall run across before jumping to the ledge on the other side. Move over to the end and drop down.
-While standing in the middle of this structure, tap L1 and fall through it to land on a platform underneath that has a sarcophagus.
-Walk out on the wooden plank and jump to the plank on your left.
-Jump across the way and hit L1 to reconstruct the plank. Wall climb up the structure and pull yourself over the railing.
-Turn right and roll under the partially closed door. To the left of this is a ledge to climb up, followed by another ledge above that.
-Crawl across the ledge and drop down on the other side. Perform a wall run against the gated door and jump back to catch the hanging golden lever.
-Drop down and jump up to the ledge against the wall. Move across to your left and drop down to another ledge.
-Reconstruct the next set of ledges, wall run across, and slide down the red banner.
-Make your way over to the new hole in the ground where the throne once was. Drop down and climb down the bricks.
-Carefully make your way across the treacherous ledges to get to the next room.
-After you have stepped on the button to release the door down the hallway, walk through it and kill all of the sand monsters.
-Flight attack across the opening toward the sand monster on the other side.
-Swing across the water poles before performing a flight attack over toward the next sand monster. Kill the other sand monsters that show up as well.
-Solidify the waterfall to your right and perform a series of wall rebounds between the two walls.
-Once you reach the top of left wall, release L2 and flight attack through the waterfall toward the sand monster on the other side.
-Kill the other sand monsters that show up before doing a flight attack again to the sand monster across the way.
-Wall run along the solidified waterfall and flight attack out to your right.
-Swing across the three solidified water poles before doing a flight attack to the sand monster just ahead.
-Once you land there, kill all of those annoying beetles and that huge ogre.
-Follow Queen Razia through the doorway.

The Sacred Fountain:

-Once Razia disappears again, get ready for another brawl with a bunch of sand monsters. You are in tight quarters in this area, so use your powers to inflict damage and roll to give yourself space.
-After you finish every last one, Razia will return to open the next door for you. Before you get to the next room you have to navigate through another terrifying hallway.
-Get to the other side and defeat those pesky beetles and other sand monsters.
-Reconstruct the wall on your left and wall run across the solidified waterfall. Jump out to your right and pull yourself over the railing.
-Kill more annoying beetles.
-Walk to the edge facing the waterfall. Solidify it, then wall rebound between the two walls and end up by landing over the rail.
-Walk through the hallway into the next room.

The Rekem Reservoir

-Solidify the waterfall on the right and wall run across it. For this next part, have your index finger ready to switch back and forth between L1 and L2.
-Jump out to the left as you reconstruct the broken column.
-Jump across to the solidified water column.
-Jump over to the reconstructed ledge.
-Turn left and jump across the columns to the reconstructed ledge on the other side of the room.
-Jump down the red banner on the right side.
-Defeat a large group of sand monsters.
-Reconstruct the structure in between the two waterfalls.
-Jump through the waterfall on your left. Roll under the hole and get the sarcophagus inside.
-Once back in front of the two waterfalls, wall run up and jump out to first bird. Flight attack between birds and then jump from reconstructed column to solidified water column until you end up on the platform on the other side.
-Turn right and hit L1 to reconstruct the structure. Wall run up it, jump across and wall run up that side, then jump back to the other side.
-Swing from a series of water poles to reconstructed platforms.
-Jump across to the reconstructed structure, wall run up and jump back to the other side.
-Repeat the same process of switching between L2 and L1 as you swing from water poles to reconstructed platforms.
-Tip: Before you turn right onto the platform, look behind you and roll under that tiny hole in the side of the wall; inside will be some jars with health and energy.
-Roll back under the hole and turn left. Jump across water columns to get to two different platforms.
-At the second platform, turn left down a booby-trapped hallway.
-Once you are through the other side you will have to fight off a lot of enemies in a tiny little space.
-Next, wall run across the waterfall and begin your descent down a spiral slope. Again, sticking with the same theme of switching between powers, stay close to the wall and repeatedly switch between L1 and L2 when necessary.

Solomon’s Hall:

-After Razia disappears from Solomon’s Hall, get ready for another huge battle with a ton of sand monsters. Remember that with the two big guys like to charge at you, so lure them into charging into a wall. This will daze them and allow you to kill them.
-When you are finished with both of them, you’ll have to fight another one of those huge sand monsters with the sword. Five words: power attacks to the legs.
-After that whole ordeal, look around to where you can reconstruct an old wall in between two structures. Wall run up it and jump back to a water column.
-Climb up it and flight attack to the sand monster on the platform across the way.
-Jump right and flight attack to the bird before performing another flight attack across to the sand monster on the next platform over.
-Swing from a water pole to a water column, then flight attack to the sand monster on the next platform over.
-Flight attack again to the sand monster on the right.
-Here you will face another onslaught from beetles and other sand monsters. Remember to kill the ones with flames on their heads and spikes on their shoulders first.
-After that, walk over to the button on the right side of the room. Wall run up the wall and as soon as you hit the button, hold L2 to solidify the water and jump across to the solidified water pole.
-Swing across to the next one and let go of L2 in mid-air to allow it to appear.
-Hit L1 to reconstruct the structure in front of you before swinging to it.
-Once you hit the wall, wall run up to grab the ledge. Move across, wall run across the wall to hit the button and jump off.
-Immediately move toward the closing door in front of you and roll to just get under.
-Break the sarcophagus inside and wall run up the wall to press the button and open the door.
-In between the gated doorways, wall rebound between the two reconstructed structures.
-Climb up the stairs on the left. Wall run up the wall directly ahead and jump back to the reconstructed column.
-Jump out left toward the poles and swing from these to the wooden planks. Jump from the last plank to the nearby platform.
-Turn the lever 180 degrees so that the lever and the statue are both pointing towards the door.
-Step on the button to open this door.
-Make your way back across the plank and then the poles. Drop down and enter the door to acquire your new, bad-ass sword.
-Head through the treacherous hallway to end up in the room with the liquid door.
-After Razia infuses herself into your sword, head back through the liquid door and then down the hallway on your left.
-In the next room it will be time to test your new sword against an army of sand monsters. After you defeat them, give yourself an upgrade.
-Head through the hallway into another room with more sand monsters.
-Kill them and walk through the open doorway. Kill the small group of sand monsters waiting for you on the balcony.
-Flight attack across to the other balcony and swing away on more sand monsters.
-Wall run up the wall to left left of the door (with the blue writing) and jump back across to the pole.
-Swing to the first bird and flight attack across two more birds. Drop down from the third one and kill the sand monsters.
-Reconstruct the old stair ledge and jump across to it.
-Jump to the reconstructed column on your left, jump to the bird and flight attack to a reconstructed balcony.
-Wall run across to your left and jump out to the reconstructed column on your left. Flight attack to a bird, jump to a reconstructed column and jump to the nearby ledge.
-Jump down the stairs to the larger platform just below and prepare for a battle with a larger group of sand monsters. After you kill all them give yourself an upgrade.

The King’s Tower:

-Walk through the newly opened door and reconstruct the staircase on your left.
-Wall run across and jump out to the reconstructed pole on your right.
-Swing to another reconstructed pole, swing toward the wall, wall run up, and grab the ledge.
-Wall run to your right, jump across to the reconstructed wall, wall run up, jump back across to the side you started on, wall run up and jump back across one more time to the reconstructed column.
-Jump to the next reconstructed column and then across to the ledge and through the doorway.
-Walk through the blue outlined structure and jump across to the wall on your left. Wall run up but don’t hit L1 too soon or that wall will disappear. Remember that depending on how many energy spheres you have, you can hit R1 to reverse time so that if you fall, you won’t die and have to start from your last checkpoint.
-Jump back across and hit L1 in mid air to reconstruct the structure. As soon as you hit it, wall run up and jump back across to the ledge.
-Walk through the doorway and jump across to the reconstructed balcony.
-Enter through that doorway, turn left up the stairs, wall run across and jump to the reconstructed column.
-Jump across to the reconstructed column, jump across to a reconstructed wall, wall run up, jump back to another reconstructed wall, wall run up and jump back across to the reconstructed pole overhead.
-Swing across to a reconstructed wall, wall run up and jump back across to the reconstructed column.
-Jump across to the next column and then over to a tiny reconstructed ledge near the doorway.
-Jump across to the reconstructed wall and wall run up to pull yourself up.
-Jump out to the right and flight attack across the three birds before swinging across two reconstructed poles.
-Swing out to the next bird and flight attack across three more before jumping out to the reconstructed ledge.
-Jump across to the other ledge on your right. Jump out to the first bird and flight attack in a circle to the next four. There will be a sarcophagus waiting for you on the nearby ledge.
-After you break it, step on the button and roll through the raised gate to get back to the other side.
-Jump directly across to the other ledge and wall run up to get on top.
-Jump from the wooden plank across to the other wooden plank before jumping across to the reconstructed ledge.
-Make your way through another hallway full of spikes and blades.

The Palace:

-Wall run up to the button on the right wall and roll under the closing door directly across the room.
-For this next fight scene, don’t get lured into trying to fight all of the sand monsters who will be trying to attack you. You need to get up on the ledge and kill the three sand monsters with spiked shoulder pads in order to prevent them from creating any more.
-Make your way over to the side of the room with the button in the door. Wall run up to press it.
-This will open a door on the opposite side. Use your whirlwind power (down arrow) to knock down your enemies and clear a path for you.
-Wall run up the door to press the button, which will lower a golden hanging lever in the center of the room.
-Wall run up the center door (the door that you originally entered the room from) and jump back to the golden hanging lever.
-Swing from this and flight attack across to the ledge with the three spike-shouldered sand monsters.
-This is a tight area to work from so either knock them down with a whirlwind blast or use the triangle button to kick them over the ledge.
-Make sure to kill the spike shouldered guys first and then take care of the rest of them after. (You don’t have to kill all of them to move onto the next room.)
-Head through the doorway. After the door closes behind you, wall run up it, jump across to the other side and wall run up to the ledge.
-Move around to your right and pull yourself up before fighting more sand monsters as you make your way down the hallway.
-Flight attack across to the other side and kill more sand monsters.
-Move around to the opening on your right and flight attack across. Wall run up to touch the button and head through the door on your left.
-Head up the stairs and wall run against the door before jumping back out to the wooden beam.
-Jump to the next beam, jump towards the wall, wall run up to press the button and jump back across to the higher beam.
-Quickly jump to the next beam, then to the ledge and roll under the closing door.
-Jump out to the old hanging chandelier.
-Unfortunately, one of those huge golden bull sand monsters will cause the chandelier to collapse, forcing you to kill him, along with one of his buddies and some other sand monsters. Remember to stand close to a wall and as soon as one of the golden bulls charges at you to quickly roll away. Then, use power attacks against them when they are dazed.
-Opposite the large door there is a wall; wall run up it and jump back across to the pole.
-Swing across to the next pole, jump to the wall, wall run up and jump back to the wooden plank.
-Wall rebound from the plank to the button on the wall and then back.
-Jump over to the platform and go through the closing door.
-Turn right and wall run across the left wall to press the button.
-Quickly jump across to the ledge on the other wall, drop down to the ledge bellow it, wall run across and roll under the closing door.
-You are a pro at this now, so quickly take care of the large group of sand monsters.
-Facing the large closed door, go and step on the button to your left.
-While still standing on it, hold L2 to solidify the waterfall in front of you. Perform a wall run up it and jump back across to the solidified water pole.
-Turn back around, jump and wall run up the waterfall, jump back across to the higher pole, do a flight attack over to the bird and jump across to the ledge with the lever.
-Turn the lever once to your right, then wall run across to the red banner and slide down.
-Now go and stand on the button to the right of the door.
-Repeat the exact same sequence as on the other side.
-Once you are to the lever, rotate this one once to our left. Wall run to the red banner and slide down.
-Make your way through the newly opened door.
-Walk up the stairs and wall run along the right wall to a ledge on the other side. (It will be hard to see through all the sand, but it’s there.)
-Jump across to the left and grab onto the ledge on the other side. Move around and pull yourself up.
-Wall run up to the beam in the right wall, then wall run up again to the ledge.
-Make your way through one of the harder hallways in the game to the next room. Remember to time your jumps and wall runs and that you can reverse time if you make a mistake.

The Final Climb:

-Walk to the button in the center of the room and stand on it. Hold L2 to solidify the waterfalls that appear in front of you.
-Get between them and perform a series of wall runs and jumps between them.
-Once you reach the highest point on the right one, release L2 to jump through the left one, then quickly solidify the water pole in front of you and catch it.
-Swing across to the next water pole and then jump to the wooden plank.
-Jump through the first water fall, solidify and land on the second, wall rebound back to the other waterfall and then jump to the solidified water pole.
-Swing across to the balcony. Move across and jump over to the solidified water column.
-Jump across the three wooden planks, then to another solidified water column, then to another balcony.
-Jump across to the plank.
-Jump through the first water fall, solidify and land on the second, wall rebound back to the other waterfall and then jump to the other plank.
-Jump to the solidified water pole and swing to the solidified waterfall.
-Wall run up, jump back to the higher water pole, turn and swing back to the waterfall, wall run up, jump to the third water pole and swing across the balcony.
-Turn right and jump to the wooden beam.
-Jump to the water pole and swing across to the next plank.
-Get ready to use your L2 button quite a bit. Jump through the first water fall, solidify and land on the second, wall rebound back to the other waterfall and then jump through to the next one.
-Repeat this process to the water column, then repeat again twice more to the next water column.
-Jump from there to the pole and swing to the plank.
-Jump to the solidified waterfall, wall run up and jump to the water pole.
-Turn and jump back to the waterfall, wall run up, jump out to your left and release L2 before quickly pressing it again to allow the next water pole to turn on.
-Swing and jump, release L2 again before pressing it to catch the next water pole and sing across to the ledge.
-Step on the button and hold L2 to solidify all of the new waterfalls and water columns in front you.
-Jump out to the first water column, climb up it about halfway and repeat the process of jumping through the first water fall, solidifying and landing on the second, wall rebounding back to the other waterfall and then through to the next one.
-Once you’ve made it across, walk through the doorway.
-Make your way up the pathway on your right as you kill the sand monsters along the way. (Note: if you don’t want to kill all of these guys, jump and press the circle button repeatedly to do a flight attack from sand monster to sand monster to quickly make your way up the path.)
-Once inside the next room, turn left and flight attack to the bird before jumping to the solidified water pole.
-Swing and flight attack in a circle between the three birds before performing another flight attack to the sand monster on the ledge.
-Jump from the ledge and flight attack across four birds before performing a series of jumps and wall runs between the two solidified waterfalls.
-Move over to the left and flight attack across the three birds before jumping to the solidified water column.
-Jump and flight attack across three more birds before swinging across the two poles.
-Flight attack to the sand monster on the ledge.
-Flight attack across two more birds and jump to the wood plank.
-Jump to the solidified water column before doing a flight attack across two more birds.
-Jump out to the right and grab onto the bricks.
-Move to the left and wall run across the solidified waterfall, jump through the next waterfall across to the third, wall rebound back to the second, jump and flight attack across to the two birds and then to the sand monster on the balcony.
-Lots of jars and pots to break here for extra health and energy before you make your way down the hallway.
-After Ratash blows you away, kill the sand monsters as you fly through the sandstorm on a platform.
-By now, you should be ready for another upgrade.
-Look through the sand and flight attack across four birds before arriving on another flying platform. Be careful not to get too close to the edge!
-Kill the sand monsters that appear on it.
-After you finish them, walk to the edge and flight attack across five birds before you land on another flying platform.
-Once again, kill all of the sand monsters.

-After Ratash takes a swing at you and you slide down the platform, jump out and flight attack across three birds.
-Land and slide down the next platform before jumping and doing a flight attack across two more birds.
-Land on the platform and kill the sand monsters.
-After Ratash takes another swing and a miss, slide down and jump to flight attack across two birds.
-Land and slide down another platform before performing a flight attack across three more birds.
-Again, land and slide down a platform. This time you will be jumping to a pole.
-Quickly swing across and flight attack across four birds before landing on another platform.
-Kill all of the sand monsters.
-Flight attack to three birds, jump to a pole, swing and flight attack to another bird before jumping and sliding down a platform.
-Jump out to another platform and slide down before jumping to a pole.
-Quickly swing and flight attack across three birds before landing on a platform with more sand monsters to kill.
-Finally, you’ve arrived at the point where you will battle Ratash.
-Kill the first group of sand monsters that he creates and remember to use the triangle button to push them over the edge.
-Next, Ratash will attempt to take a swing at you with his left hand. Make sure you are constantly moving and right before his hand comes down, perform a roll.
-As he pulls his hand back up, quickly roll towards him and use power attacks as you take a couple of swings at the glowing medallion in his chest.
-Don’t stay too close to him for too long because he will take a swipe at you if you’re not careful. Right before he does this, perform a roll to get under it.
-If you run to the back of the platform, chances are good that he will blow fireballs at you from his mouth. Use rolls to avoid these.
-Tip: stay closer to Ratash to entice him into taking a swing at you. After he swings and misses, you’ll have a chance to get close enough to the medallion to take your swings at it.
-Once you get his health down to about halfway, he’ll dig both of his claws into the sides of the platform. Avoid these by staying in the middle, then quickly roll towards his chest and take a couple more swings at the medallion.
-When you get Ratash down to his last bar of health, you have to be more patient, as he will take fewer swings and rely more on producing sand monsters and shooting fireballs.
-Once you get him down to his last bit of health he will pull away.
-Flight attack across two birds and then sit back and watch as The Prince finishes Ratash off to complete the game.

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