Stand on the switch, freeze time and approach the water cascade in
the middle of the room. Run up and bounce off to the beam. The room will
soon be flooded with enemies. There's quite a lot of them, so assuming
you've purchases some abilities (Stone Armor, Ice Blast etc.), it's a
good time to get an achievement for killing 50 of them.
After defeating them, enter the small room from which the enemies came. Two levers activating water cascades can be found here.
Stand between the cascades, freeze time and bounce off of them to get higher. Do a wallrun and go down the stairs.
Wait for the water to come out, freeze time and jump round the room. In the meantime you will meet Malik.
Eventually bounce off the wall onto the lever and from it onto the activated waterspouts. You will get to another lever.
Go across the corridor and jump between the columns to get to the other side of the room.
Jump onto the pole, freeze time and jump onto the water cascade. Run
up and jump to the upper pole. Turn around and jump through the water
onto the ledge behind it.
Carefully pass through the trap-filled corridor.
Eventually ride down the flag.
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